5 Health Benefits of Popcorn You Should Know

5 Health Benefits of Popcorn You Should Know - Update recent posts this time Ahealthtips.com will give information about 5 health benefits of popcorn, health benefits of popcorn kernels, health benefits of popcorn livestrong, health benefits of popcorn in coconut oil, health benefits of popcorn during pregnancy. Do you like watching movie in cinemas ?. Many parties, watching movies and gatherings cannot be imagined without popcorn. Nutritionists do not often recommend popcorn, because of the large amount of salt and butter that are used for their preparation. But if they are prepared with olive oil and less salt, may be a very important part of your healthy diet. These are the reasons why it is useful to eat popcorn. This is 5 health benefits of popcorn you should know:

health benefits of popcorn


5 Health Benefits of Popcorn

1.They have antioxidant action

The most important ingredients in popcorn are polyphenols. Polyphenols are compounds that protect blood vessels.

2. They are rich in fiber

Popcorn is rich in fiber that is extremely healthy and necessary for human body. According to researches, it is recommended to insert 20 -35 grams of fiber daily, and what is more interesting 100 grams of popcorn contain 15 grams of fiber.

3. Do not contain many calories

The number of the calories in popcorns depends on their way of preparing, so you are the one who decide how much fat they are. In one portion of popcorn prepared in olive oil, there are 90 calories, but if you add butter the level of the calories can rise to 300 calories.

4. Do not contain sugar

Popcorn does not have much sugar, sodium and cholesterol. Just because of the absence of sugar, popcorn is ideal as snacks. Chocolates and other sweets instantly increase your level of energy, but it soon descends the level of energy. Chocolates or sweets should be avoided, if you do not want to lie your stomach.

5. They are good for your eyes

Researchers have shown that the lutein and the zeaxantine protect healthy cells in your eyes from damaging by light beams. The lutein and zeaxtine can protect your eyes form the development of chronic diseases.

That post of 5 health benefits of popcorn you should know. So, from now get used to eat popcorn while watching movies with your girlfriend. Hopefully the above post useful to you.

5 health benefits of popcorn, health benefits of popcorn kernels, health benefits of popcorn livestrong, health benefits of popcorn in coconut oil, health benefits of popcorn during pregnancy

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