Advantages and Weaknesses of Blood Type You Should Know

Advantages and Weaknesses of Blood Type You Should Know - Update new article about advantages and disadvantages of blood type, advantages and weaknessess of blood type, advantages of blood types, advantages of blood type o, blood type risk factors. Blood type is one of the body’s more mysterious taxonomies. There are four bins our blood can fall into — A, B, AB, and O — and together they represent the four groups of antigens found on the surfaces of red blood cells. But they do not just signal who we can donate to and receive from; our blood types can reveal complex patterns of personal health.

advantages and weaknessess of blood type

1. Blood type AB

Blood type AB is the rarest blood type. People who have this blood type are a combination of totally opposing properties. These people have many benefits and weaknesses.

Advantages: They are created for modern conditions, and have tolerant immunity.

Weaknesses: They have sensitive digestive system, tolerant immune system, signs of sinus infections, and they are susceptible to viruses.

When it comes to the diet, this blood type can eat vegetarian food, while it is good to include small amounts of protein such as: fish or chicken. It is also recommended to use optimally dairy products.

Risks of illnesses:

-Memory Problems
Your brain and vascular system have more in common than you may think. A recent study found people with type AB blood were 82 percent more likely to experience difficulties with memory recall, language, and attention than people with other types. One reason, researchers suspect, is due to the key clotting protein, known as coagulation factor VIII, which may actually reduce the quality of blood flow to the brain, rather than sealing up injury sites.

“Since factor VIII levels are closely linked to blood type, this may be one causal connection between blood type and cognitive impairment,” said Mary Cushman, author of the recent study, to Yahoo Health.

-Stomach ulcer
People who are AB blood type have almost 26% to be diagnosed with this illness unlike those who are O or B blood type. This blood type somehow modifies the immune system when it is attacked by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. People with this blood type are harder to cope with the bacterium.

-Heart disease
People with blood type AB are at greatest risk for heart disease. Certain blood types are associated with higher rates of inflammation, which explains the link with heart disease. A 2012 study from Harvard University found people with non-O blood also happen to have an increased risk for cardiovascular disease. But those with type AB blood were the most at-risk overall, demonstrating a 23 percent greater chance of suffering from heart disease than type O subjects.

Study author Dr. Lu Qi, an assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition, said the particular makeup of people’s antigens should be given the same weight we already assign to cholesterol and blood pressure. “While people cannot change their blood type, our findings may help physicians better understand who is at risk for developing heart disease,” Qi said in a statement.

2. Blood type A

People with blood type A appear to be very calm. They are great perfectionists. This blood type is prone to art or to a similar kind of expression. They are a bit of withdrawn, confidential and sensitive. Here are the benefits and weaknesses of this bloodtype:

Advantages: Calm, ready for cooperation, well adoption to changes in diet and environment.

Weaknesses: Sensitive digestive system, delicate immunity and subjected to attacks from microbes.

It has to be known that the ancestors of this blood type were field workers and worked with agriculture and orcharding. That is why the vegetarianism is the best bet for healthy life. People with A blood type are recommended to consume carbohydrate, fruits, vegetables and very little meat or dairy products.

Some of the supplements that people with this blood type should take: Vitamin C, E, B12, zinc, selenium, astragalus, calcium and iron.

Risks of illnesses:

-Pancreatic cancer
One study has shown that there is an increased prevalence of blood type A in the group of pancreatic cancer. In an article from 1998 it is said that those with blood type A have increased features for tumors. It is also found that this blood type is a risk factor for epithelial ovarian cancer. The ovarian cancer occurs more frequently at women with blood type A, than those with other blood type.

– Stress
Because certain blood types are more likely to co-occur with varying levels of hormones in the body, physicians commonly tailor their exercise recommendations to the patient’s type. People with type A blood, for example, are more likely to have higher levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in their body. So, stress-reducing exercises, like Tai Chi and yoga, may be more beneficial at cutting that tension than running or weightlifting alone.

When the adrenal gland dumps more and more cortisol into the blood, people’s stress response grows more acute. People with A blood type may find themselves getting anxious more quickly and having a harder time letting troubles roll off their back.

3. Blood type 0

People with 0 blood type are generally extremely sociable and spontaneous. Often initiate social events and parties, although many times do not end the matter. They are creative and very popular in their environment and want to be the center of attention. They have more confidence than members of other groups. The benefits Benefitssses:

Advantages: They have strong immunity, are born to be leader, healthy digestive system, strong immunity, a system designed for efficient metabolism.

Weaknesses: They are intolerant to changes in conditions and diet, they have too active immunity that can attack itself.

The blood type O is the most common blood type and is said to have originated from Africans and American Indians. These ancestors were hunters and survived by eating meat. Therefore, this blood type should get a sufficient amount of protein from meat, and lower intake of fruits and vegetables. They should avoid dairy products, wheat, pasta and most of the foods that are recommended to blood type A.

Supplements: Vitamin B complex, B12, calcium and folic acid.

Risks of illnesses:

-Problems with blood circulation
The O blood type is with rare density of the blood and do not create sediment in the blood vessels that can cause problems with blood circulation. In some cases the problems are associated with bleeding disorders and stroke, which is owned to the wrong diet. People who have this blood type should consume chlorophyll which will help with these problems.

-Should avoid high amounts of carbohydrates
Scientific studies have shown that people with this blood group who suffered from heart disease have a greater survival rate than other blood groups. This is because of cholesterol, produced in the liver and the enzyme phosphatase produced in the small intestine (responsible for absorption of fat). High levels of phosphatase accelerate the absorption and the metabolism of fat which lead to low levels of cholesterol. The blood type O has the highest level of this enzyme.

-Exercise Demands
More generally, the makeup of a person’s antigens on his or her red blood cells can determine how much of a certain hormone gets released. People with type A and B blood respond better to calming, low-intensity exercise like yoga, especially if depression runs in the family. Likewise, people with AB blood benefit from well-rounded workouts that keep their immune systems in check. Type O people, however, are a different story.

“Type O’s are more prone to problems that arise from an inability to clear stress hormones from their system quickly,” Dr. Ginger Nash, a naturopathic physician, told Personalized Living. “It takes more to get a Type O stressed but it takes more to de-stress them as well.”

4. Blood type B

People with blood type B are much grounded in life and are often oriented toward specific goals. That is why they are excellent workers and not giving up on their ideas until they implement the act. That persistence can cost in emotional life – they often insist on relations although they are not good. From all the groups, they are the biggest individuals and tend to be different from others. Their benefits aBenefitsses:

Advantages: They are balanced, flexible, have strong immunity and balanced nerve system.

Weaknesses: They have no natural weakness, are prone to autoimmune diseases.

For those with type-B can enjoy a little more freedom than other blood groups. It is thought that this blood type originate from Europe, India and East Asia. Their bodies adapted many times to a diet that makes their blood capable of accepting all types of food available. It is suggested to stay away from processed food because they do not have many essential nutrients.

Supplements: Magnesium and lecithin.

Risks of illnesses:

-Stress and depression
People with blood type B are hardly recovering from stress. They really should sleep more and generally need more sleep than other blood types often. There are increased risks of depression and insulin resistance.
This blood type has increased risks for: Heart diseases, chronic viral infection, chronic fatigue syndrome, herpes, high or low blood pressure, obesity, influenza, gastroenteritis, loss of libido in the elderly.

-Stroke and cancer
Women with blood type B are more likely to suffer a stroke than people with O blood type. People with blood type B has 72 percent increased risk of pancreatic cancer and is more likely to suffer from gastrointestinal cancer and oral cancer.

-Gut Bacteria
In addition to living on your red blood cells, antigens are often found in the lining of your digestive tract — about 80 percent of people fall into this category. Much of the bacteria living in people’s gut uses these antigens as food, which largely determines which bacteria flourish and which disappear. Prior research has estimated, for instance, that people with type B blood contain up to 50,000 times the number of strains of friendly bacteria than people with either type A or O blood.

“Increasingly, studies are showing that changes in the microflora content of the digestive tract can be linked to metabolic illnesses, including type II (adult onset) diabetes and obesity,” wrote Dr. Peter D’Adamo, physician and author of Eat Right 4 Your Type, in a blog post. “Blood group and secretor status play an important role in conditioning the overall characteristics of the digestive tract.”

Blood Type O is The Most Superior

According to researchers people with blood type O are assumed to be at lower risk of cardiovascular health problems like stroke or heart attack. Moreover there is less likelihood of such people to die of malaria. People with AB blood type are at higher risk of memory issues as compared to the people with blood type O. O blood people are also said to be more safe from certain kinds of cancer like gastric cancers and pancreatic cancers.

advantages and disadvantages of blood type, advantages and weaknessess of blood type, advantages of blood types, advantages of blood type o, blood type risk factors

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